Wednesday 26 April 2017


श्रैवेय - Zraiveya 

over lap blazer lapel
fall collared neckline

multi coloured and layered peter pan collar

tailored overlay stand collar 

As designer and fashion retailer when interacted with customer and studying their logic or opinion regarding a "c o l l a r" detailing in a garment was so negative. 

Almost 60% of females dislike collar and end up saying it makes them look stout, makes them look over their age what not... which is what made me design Zraiveya collection to break in the stereotypes.

Torque or collar of a garment is said to enhance the facial feature of the wearer no mater  whats your body size or your age.
This collection has various collared dresses in handwoven ikat with certain modified tailored collars such as the over lap lapel collar of blazer, or the kiddy peter-pan-collar or the fall collared neckline which would be comfy for summers and classy for your personality.

Zraiveya (sanskrit) : Collar